Repeater Compasses

Steering Repeater Compass
clear indication of the heading information

The steering repeater ensures a clear indication of the heading information by using a 360° and a 10° compass card. In addition heading information is shown on a digital display. Both the analogue and the digital display provide a graduation of a tenth of a degree. The heading source indication is displays the source of heading information such as gyro, satellite or magnetic compass.

The following course converters are offered for individual gyro compass retrofit solutions:

  • Serial/360° Synchro Converter
  • Serial/Universal Synchro Converter
  • Serial/Universal Step Converter


Main Features

  • Analogue and digital display
  • Heading source indication
  • 180°offset function for use on double-end ferries
  • Dimmer, Anti-glare screen
  • Indication of alarms in combination with Gyro Compass Standard 22 NX

Bearing Repeater Compass
360° compass card and a digital display

Bearing Repeater Compass

The Bearing Repeater Compass is equipped with a 360° compass card and a digital display for heading indication. The heading source – gyro compass, magnetic compass or satellite compass – is also indicated.Bearing sights can be easily mounted on the centric adapter. The reflected 360° dial on the compass card is used for the reflection into the bearing sight. A fixed 360° scale on the outer ring allows relative bearings to be taken. For use on double-end ferries a 180° offset can be added. Illumination is controlled via push-button. Bearing sights, bearing brackets and a pelorus stand are available.

Main Features

  • 150 mm compass card
  • Analogue and digital display
  • Heading source indication
  • 180° offset function for use on double-end ferries
  • Dimmer

Digital Repeater Compass
indicates heading by using a large display

The digital repeater compass indicates heading and rate-of-turn as a tendency indication. Heading changes are indicated by a two color LED ring indicator. Depending on the rate of-turn the LED ring rotates, towards starboard in green and towards port in red. The speed is proportional to the rate-of-turn of the ship – a helpful indication. Heading can be read easily from different viewing angles up to a distance of ten metres.

Main Features

  • Large display
  • Rate-of-turn indication
  • Optional casing for bulkhead or ceiling mounting
  • Freeze-function
  • 180° offset function for use on double-end ferries

We are a family owned and operated business with over 100 years of experience

Please feel free to contact to discuss your requirements in more detail, we would be delighted to assist you.

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